Our Class Philosophy

We have a range of small group sessions to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. Our philosophy for our small group sessions is to provide high levels of coaching in an environment which promotes community and personal growth with other like minded people. Adherence and consistency are key in any training programme so we recognise that and have invested in a number of measures to ensure that you have the skills and resources to maintain sustainable long term changes. All small group sessions are capped at a maximum of 6 people and you will also automatically have access to additional online support throughout your membership with us. This is not a boot camp or session which is designed to smash you, rather equip you for life long positive changes.

Intro to Strength and Conditioning

Learn new skills and increase your confidence and competence in the gym environment. This 6 week group training programme is designed to give you an overall introduction to strength training and some of the fundamental moves which you can build on in your future journey.

This session is starting in May so book below now to guarantee your place.

Monday 7.30pm * New Cohort starts Monday 13th May

Strength and Conditioning

A popular follow on from our introductory group training programme, this is designed for anyone who has some experience in the gym environment but who still may need that extra motivation or guidance. We run a rolling 6-week programme where you will focus on developing key skills and competencies in our unique space in the heart of Derby.

Mon 6.20pm, Wed 6.30pm + 7.30pm and Thursday 6.20pm + 7.30pm

Conditioning, Circuits Class

Push yourself in our coach led conditioning circuits session to help increase your aerobic fitness. These sessions will be a mix of HIIT and metabolic conditioning and are aimed at anyone who wants to work hard but in an environment which encourages technical competence. Work at your own level with input from your coach over a variety of stations designed to improve your overall fitness levels.

Sat 7.30am * Starts 1st June